Happy Halloween!
From Princess Me & The Fat Boys....and Fred.
Hi. My name is Mia and I am a bad blogger.
I'm an asshole.
You know those weeks where no matter what you do, you end up eating a big ol' crap sammich? The weeks where despite your very best efforts, things go wrong, people dick you around, or you get hit in the head by a piece of the sky? Yeah, those weeks. That was the story of my life last week. Lemme sum this one up for you:
They are the equivalent of musical toilet paper. Sting?! The worst lyricist of all time? Give me a fucking break. Let me put aside the fact that I'm a loyal and devoted 20 year Sting/Police obsessed kind of gal. Put all that aside. Have you ever heard the song Fragile? Englishman in New York? Russians? Tea In The Sahara? Go back further to the Police...Canary In A Coal Mine? Synchronicity 1 & 2? Don't Stand So Close To Me? Yeah, those are definitely pieces of tripe. Mmmhmmm sure. You know who the worst lyricist of all time is? The guy/gal who wrote Hit Me Baby One More Time. There's your winner.
There is something so entirely erotic about a girl walking around in public with holey sweat pants on, her hair in a bun, no makeup on and a bag of dog shit in her hand. RAWR!
I needed to shine this place up for Halloween...I love Halloween! I think it's my favorite holiday. Scaring children is fun. That, and any holiday that makes it ok to eat 48 mini Baby Ruth's in one sitting...pure good.