Mom's At It Again

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Aint This The Truth?

I'm bored...Photobucket is down today, which means I'm at a standstill with work, and that means we do stupid online quizes.

Your Birthdate: August 20

You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride.
Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing.
When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it.
It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.

Your strength: Your warm heart

Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions

Your power color: Black

Your power symbol: Musical note

Your power month: February
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Well that was fun....Being that this is my power month and all, I'm off to use my super power. The ability to put the dishes in the dishwasher while simultaneously keeping the dog from humping my leg. Who wants to see through walls anyway?

Now playing: Madonna - Jimmy Jimmy
via FoxyTunes


At February 6, 2008 at 2:54 AM , Blogger Kristy said...

Hello! I've never been to your blog before. I just paid you the other day for a custom blog template. Remember the "Pajama Mama"? lol Sucks about Photobucket being down. I enjoyed the quiz though. Here are my results:

Your Birthdate: May 20
You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride.
Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing.
When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it.
It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.
Your strength: Your warm heart
Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions
Your power color: Black
Your power symbol: Musical note
Your power month: February

Very kewl. My Power month is this month!!! Whats a power month? lol Maybe my lucky month? Now that would be nice :D

Chat later,

At February 11, 2008 at 4:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OBKB, November was my power month... OMG - I wondered why out of the blue I started wearing yellow tights and a pink cape and flew around at night ridding the galaxy of evil....

The Universe better thank me DamnIt! :)


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