Mom's At It Again

Friday, February 2, 2007

My To-Don't List

Things I don't want to do today:

1. Laundry
2. Pick up the child from school
3. Go to the store and buy groceries.
4. Get out of my PJ's.

Things I must do today or the world will end:

1. Laundry
2. Pick up the child from school
3. Go to the store and buy groceries.
4. Get out of my PJ's.

Other bothersome things of note:

1. Trying to breathe.
2. Coughing
3. Trying to breathe
4. Blowing my nose.
5. Everything else.

I would much rather curl up on the couch and watch daytime tv while a hunky cabana boy named Raul brings me juice and soup and rubs my feet...but again, there is all that aforementioned crap to get done.

I better stop being sick soon, or my blog will turn into Zed's Death By Boredom..

I have a new renter...go check her out on the sidebar. She rocks muchly and she loves me. She told me so. I'd love her back twice if she brought me soup and juice.

And changed her name to Raul.

I'm going to start my To-Do List from hell now.

Thu Buckinghams - Kind Of A Drag


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